Music and other bits, mostly recorded in Reaper.

I’m currently going through a ‘put a bunch of electronic stuff together and have fun with it’ phase, with the occasional silly song thrown in.

Edited Highlights

These are videos from long noodles, edited to take out the meandering and painful bits, using what’s left to produce something relatively structured.

The audio is from the live stereo output with little, if any, additional processing so the mixes aren’t great.

Resignation Daze

Lots of live-looped guitars over some beats and bleeps.


Switching sequences/patterns/FX settings for different parts of a tune is tricky when playing guitar. This uses Reaper’s Snapshots to send the relevant messages to the relevant bits of gear, switched with a foot controller.

The mix is terrible but some of the bits aren’t too bad.

Auntie Histamine

I did this shortly after the outboard bug bit me.

A happy accident routed the Monologue’s sequencer pattern to the Volca Keys. It took me a while to work out where the glorious swooshiness was coming from.

Silly Short Songs

The God Spot

This one’s gone down pretty well.

Diction Friction

Can you spot the subtle vocoder?

The Leaf on the Tree

Inspirational words we can all learn from.

